Pat prefers being behind the lens. She was forced to cough up these rare selfies to prove that she exists in the real world.


Pat has always loved dogs and photography, so it was not surprising that these two things kept her happy and occupied during the pandemic lockdowns. After losing her career trajectory as an academic research scientist during the madness of 2020-21, she began thinking that pet photography could be her career change. But Pat still loves science and she is now back doing some research, but the idea of White Shadow had already taken roots. Working with dogs sounded like a dream occupation. And an extra income would help keep her pooch in the life of luxury (just kidding, Pat meant mortgage repayments).

Takumi, the muse and sidekick, is a Japanese Spitz. He came to live with Pat when he was 8-week old back in 2016. They are inseparable. He is an accredited therapy dog with Story Dogs (a literacy program for kids) and Delta Therapy Society (a national non-profit organisation that helps animals bring joy to people). Takumi does Agility for fun when he is not spending quality time with his mama, or busy doing his therapy work at the local primary school or Brain Injury Rehab Unit at Fiona Stanley Hospital. He has his own Instagram account “TakumiJSpitz” where he shows off his model good looks at various sites around Perth and regional Western Australia.